Monday, June 30, 2014

Journey to the Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour

Journey to the Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour

and Medicine Buddha Festival, Soquel CA
June 28th, 2014

Beginning the Journey:
Starting out from Berkeley, CA on Friday evening, June 27th, 2014, I gear up to ride 21/2 to three hours south to the Land of the Medicine Buddha retreat site, in Soquel California.  Leaving Berkeley at 6pm I hope to reach Soquel before Sunset. 

It could be a shorter ride but it's Friday, and I'm not sure how the Friday night traffic  will affect my progress. My wheels, a Suzuki GS 500 (cc) motorcycle can make the journey, but is a bit vintage for the distance.

Why the Journey? Amazing energy of the bodi-field
My purpose is to visit the relic tour, a large and profound collection of relics of many Buddhas whose energy bodi field is patable and immense.
My purpose also, is to retreat and to purify my karma, the effects of many lifetimes and actions.
Days will be spent in retreat chanting purifying mantras and cleansing body, mind and spirit (energy) and root the loving kindness energy and invite the highest consciousness to arise.

Soquel is just northwest slightly of San Cruz and a little inland from the California coast.
It lies in the beautiful mountains of the area.  The Land of Medicine Buddah retreat center is situated in a beautiful valley or ravine of redwoods, and is on the edge of a larger (national?) forest area. See more on the retreat center at

Friday evening near disaster 
I did arrive just at nightfall to the redwood valley where the retreat center is situated only to find Prescot road to be blocked by a tree that had fallen across the road blocking my access!   The tree had also severed the power lines to the local retreat house and other residential properties.  I got out on foot and manage to brush aside a very skinny path through broken tree trucks and limbs, so that I could barely manoeuvre past the debris and up the hill finally at nearly 9 PM.  In the darkness I found my room, and returned back to the road to help other pilgrims trying to find their way in the dark.  An adventure at the end of a long drive.

Colors of the culture
Arriving at the Retreat center, you see the bright colors of the Tibetan culture all around you. I love the combinations of the bright blue, red, green, yellow, gold, orange - bright warm colors against vibrant cool colors!  No where is this more evident then on the painted prayer or 'Mani Wheels' below I turn one of the older pray wheels on the Retreat campus.

 - Mani wheel
A Mani wheel is like a great pray calculator!  I has hundreds upon thousands of prayers wrapped around it's hub so that each turn of the wheel emulates 100, 1000  even 1,000,000 time your prayer effort sending out manifold positive intent to all the world's sentient beings.

Saturday morning I got early, went for a short run in the redwoods, and toured the retreat grounds, I was surprised to find our goddess of AI (Acupressure Institute)
  the guardian saint, Kwan Yin, (Quan Yin) all about the grounds - as if to say, 'Yes Wes my friend, blessings- you are in the right and friendly place' 

She can also be seen as Avalokitesvara, the buddha of infinite compassion, who has a thousand helping hands of compassion.

Avalokitesvara, the 'one who looks down' watching over us...

 As I said before part of my purpose was to purify, retreat, and clear karma from many life time, to open myself to a positive and expanding energy and broader awareness, a healing and open awareness.  I had encountered the Golden Light Sutra when first visiting the relics in Grass Valley earlier this spring and began to read about them on line.  It is a very bright and uplifting text and does so have the purpose to clear the past mis deeds and any build up of dust on the greater spiritual mirror, this high Mahayana text  is called Golden Light Sutra
and I found copy of the Sutra, in English at the retreat bookstore.  So I spent  very pleasant Saturday and Sunday evenings, reading the Sutra and chanting purifying mantras.

This is also the Saturday of the Festival, The Medicine Buddha Festival, which is the event most pilgrims and visitors are traveling to this Saturday, June 28th, 2014
Medicine Buddha

A parade begins the festival on the retreat grounds, far below the temple, and proceeds up the hill -about 3/4 of a mile to the 'Wish Fullfilling Temple' The festival will start with a chanted invocation or religious ceremony performed by the monks and lead by the head Lamas.
This procession and ceremony is very ornate an ritualistic, the monks in their orange and maroon color robes, the lay people carry multicolored silk banners.  At the end of the parade, lay folks carry  the Gigantic Medicine (blue) Buddha Thangka to be unfurled in front of the temple at the end of the parade.

 Music poly rhythmic band of ornate percussion instruments lead the parade

Here is one of the many elaborate and wonderful percussion instruments!

Once the entire parade arrives at the Temple, up the hillside, about 1 mile away, then the giant Medicine Buddha Thanka is displayed, and the the monks process to their seats of honor in front of the temple entrance.  The temple also houses the relics on tour of many Buddhas and many monastic lineages.  The bodi field created by the immense assembly of Buddhas, is what interested me, and pulled me to travel here.

The high ceremony is chanted on Tibetan by the elder Lama, and with his monks, who provide additional chanting support.  Here is the beginning of the ceremony in front of the temple by video.

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