Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Journey to the Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour II

Journey to the Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour II

More on the Mani Prayer Wheel 

More text body

As I come and go on the retreat center grounds, of the Land of Medicine Buddha center, the large prayer wheel seems to be the center of the site.  One may give a turn on way to meditation or walking past for a walk.  There is a beautiful poster there explaining the function and creation.


Large Mani wheel at the center of the retreat grounds at Land of Medicine Buddah

Here is some text from poster explaining the background of the prayer wheel, "...According to legend, the Buddha Dipamkara gave the practice to beings called Nagas.  The great Indian pandit Nagarjuna was then instructed by Chenrezig to go to the naga realm and  bring a prayer wheel into the world of humans.  For centuries, the practice of prayer wheels has been among the most cherished by Tibetan Buddhists and it continues today, Whether being turned by Tibetans and spiritual pilgrims at sacred sites, by people in Western Dharma centers, the prayer wheel continues to transform minds and offer its blessings...

This prayer wheel has 170,425,600,000 mantas including

400,000 Longest Chenrezig (Avolokiteshvara) Mantras
168 Billion- Om Mani Padme Hum Mantras
400 Million Kurukulla Mantras,
300 Million Miltrugpa Mantras
200 Million Stainless Pinnacle Mantras
100 Million Kunrig Mantras
400 Million Namgyalma Mantras
500 Million Wish Granting Wheel Mantras
400 Million Padmasambhava Mantras
100,000 Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras
20 Million Dependent-Related Heart Mantras
5 sets of extensive Kangyur Dharma text
5 sets of extensive Lama Tsong Khapa collection text
5 sets of extensive Gyaltsab Je collection text
5 sets of extensive Khedrup Je collection text
100,000 sets of Drang Nge text
25 million Amitayus Long Life Sutras... "

That's a whole lot of prayin going round!

Sunday morning I take one last look before I had back to Berkeley


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